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Digital Datasets - Evaluation Site Q&A Page


This page addresses the most frequently asked questions regarding the Digital Dataset trial. Should you have any further questions that are not covered here, contact us for additional assistance.

  Question Answer

UK AIP Dataset:


Some geometries like  <aixm:Airspace gml:id="id1185068”> contain line segments with points in different CRS. This practice seems unorthodox and breaks our parser. I’m attaching an example, first point using mercator in meters and second point what seems to be WGS84 in degrees.


You think it would be possible to harmonize the output so that only one CRS is used?

This is representation of a RHUMB lines in accordance with https://ext.eurocontrol.int/aixm_confluence/, however based on further analysis, there seems to be a problem with the dataset export, where the srsName is being set on the 1st point and not set at the LineStringSegment level, an internal issue has been raised to investigate the problem further and work on a fix.

More info to follow.

UK AIP Dataset:

There are many instances of Airspace where the geometry is a ring with 2 identical points. A Ring should have 4 points at least. The 1st and last must be identical.

Following an investigation, AIS confirm the issue you raised is valid and options have been discussed with the CAA. These are the AIP aerial activities with single co-ordinates which unfortunately have escaped in the dataset export. The outcome is that these activities will have to be omitted from the export and we are in the process of updating the affected files online.